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Monday, 18 September 2023
Oleh: adminfaltl

Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PKKMB) FALTL-USAKTI 2023

On Thursday and Friday, August 31 and September 1 2023, a series of offline PKKMB FALTL Usakti 2023 activities were held in the Main Studio Room, building K, 8th floor, FALTL-USAKTI

The PKKMB FALTL Usakti activities were officially opened by the Dean of FALTL USAKTI, Dr. Melati Ferianita Fachrul, MS. This event was also attended by Deputy Deans, Chairs and Secretaries of Study Programs, Guardian Lecturers, Heads of Administration and Heads of Subdivisions, as well as the entire PKKMB.FALTL USAKTI Committee for the 2023/2024

Academic Year The 2023 PKKMB series of activities includes:

    1. Opening by the Dean of FALTL Trisakti University
    2. Series of material presentations from resource persons for 2 days
    3. Introduction to Parliament, BEM and HMJ. FALTL- USAKTI
    4. Toefle test held by UPT. Trisakti University Culture and Language Center
    5. Presentation from UPT. Trisakti University Library

Academic community welcomed and introduced activities within the campus environment to FALTL USAKTI New Students class of 2023. As the event coordinator, Marselinus Nirwan Luru, S,T,. M.Sc. expressed the hope that PKKMB can prepare new FALTL USAKTI class of 2023 students to take part in academic and non-academic activities and have good social interactions with all components of the FALTL USAKTI academic community.

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