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Wednesday, 28 August 2024
Oleh: adminfaltl

Meeting with Parents/Guardians of New Students and FALTL Leadership for the Academic Year 2024/2025

The Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Technology (FALTL) held a meeting with the parents/guardians of new students for the Academic Year 2024/2025 on Wednesday, August 8, 2024, at the Main Studio Room, Building K, 8th floor of FALTL-USAKTI. The event was hosted by Dibyanti Danniswari, S.P., M.Si., M.Agr., Ph.D.

The meeting was attended by the Dean, the Chair and Secretary of the Senate, heads of programs and laboratories, heads of the DRPMF and JMF, academic advisors, the Head of Administrative Affairs, and all supporting staff, including the BEM Chair, Parliament, HMJ, as well as all teaching and administrative staff within FALTL-USAKTI.

The event began with a welcome and explanation of the educational system at the Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Technology, delivered by the Dean of FALTL-USAKTI, Dr. Melati Ferianita Fachrul, MS. This was followed by presentations from:

  • Academic Operations at FALTL-USAKTI by Vice Dean I – Dr. Ir. Diana Irvindiaty Hendrawan, M.Si.
  • Financial Administration and Facilities by Vice Dean II – Ir. Qurrotu ‘Aini Besila, M.Si.
  • Student Affairs and Alumni by Vice Dean III – Marselinus Nirwan Luru, ST., M.Si.
  • Planning, Development, and Cooperation by Vice Dean IV – Dr. Margareta Maria Sintorini, M.Kes.

The discussion and Q&A session were moderated by Wisely Yahya, S.T., M.P.W.K. The event concluded with a tour of FALTL-USAKTI.

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