
Monday, 13 September 2021
Oleh: adminfaltl

Parent/Guardian Meeting For New FALTL Student For The 2021/2022 Academic Year

TanggalMonday, 13 September 2021

The Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Technology, Trisakti University will hold a Parent/Guardian Meeting for New Students for the 2021/2022 Academic Year.

This activity will be held on Monday, September 13 2021 at 08.45-11.00 WIB virtually via Zoom teleconference. At the parent/guardian meeting for new students there will be a session introducing the Faculty and introducing the study program chosen by their son/daughter.

The schedule of the event is; Opening by the Dean of FALTL Dr. Melati Ferianita Fachrul, MS will explain the history of FALTL, organizational structure in faculties and study programs, vision and mission of FALTL. The next event, explanation of Field I about Academics by Dr. Ir. Diana Irvindiaty Hendrawan, M.Si, Field II on Finance, Human Resources, Facilities and Infrastructure by Ir. Qurrotu Aini Besila, M.Si, Field III on Student and Alumni Affairs by Marselinus Nirwan Luru, S.T., M.Si, and Field IV on Public Relations and Cooperation Planning by Dr. MM. Sintorini Moerdjoko, M. Kes.

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