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Monday, 03 June 2024
Oleh: adminfaltl

Congratulations and Success to 3 FALTL USAKTI Lecturers for Receiving Research Grants and PKM BIMA 2024: Innovative Solutions for the Environment

Three dedicated lecturers from the Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Technology, Trisakti University have made brilliant achievements by winning the 2024 BIMA Research and PKM Grants. Dr. Rositayanti Hadisoebroto, ST., MT., Dr. Ir. Anita Sitawati Wartaman, M.Si., and Dr. Rini Fitri, S.P., MSi., brings promising innovative ideas for solving urgent environmental problems.

Dr. Rositayanti Hadisoebroto, ST., MT., will carry out her research with the title “PKM Application of Green Water and Fertilizer Recycling Technology in Group: PKK Angke Village, Tambora District, West Jakarta”. Through an environmentally friendly technology approach, this research aims to encourage water recycling practices and the use of organic fertilizer in the community, making a major contribution to the sustainability of water resources and agriculture in the region.

Meanwhile, Dr. Ir. Anita Sitawati Wartaman, M.Si., will carry out her research with the title “Planning Green Open Spaces in Toll Road Corridors Based on Carbon Capture”. Through this research, it is hoped that effective planning strategies will be found to integrate green open areas along toll road corridors, while utilizing carbon capture technology to reduce the carbon footprint produced by transportation.

Dr. Rini Fitri, S.P., MSi., will also explore her contribution in research entitled “Coffee-based Agroforestry Landscape Planning for sustainable management of the Upper Ciliwung Watershed”. This research will develop an agroforestry landscape planning model that focuses on coffee plants, with the main aim of improving the quality of the Upper Ciliwung watershed and supporting sustainable agricultural practices.

These lecturers not only demonstrate their academic prowess, but also their commitment to sustainable development and environmental protection. By winning this grant, they are on the right track to making a positive contribution to society and the environment.

#PKMBIMA2024 #GreenTechnology #Sustainable


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